Building Healthy Relationships


Building Healthy Relationships (BHR) is a program through Center for Survivors that provides an educational curriculum targeting middle and high school students. BHR helps teens define and identify healthy and unhealthy relationships. The program is designed to help teens know how and where to get help if they or someone they know is or has experienced dating violence or sexual assault.


The Center partners with middle and high schools to provide eight to ten educational sessions. The curriculum is evidence-based, and defines healthy relationships, dating violence, sexual assault, and healthy communication skills. Adolescent Advocates who facilitate BHR classes also work with students who are victims of abuse and provide crisis intervention services as needed. 


BHR is available to any school in our service area, including Boone, Butler, Colfax, Nance, Polk, and Platte counties. If your school is interested in programming, please contact Center for Survivors at (402) 564-2155.